fish farming program

We see fish farming as one of the sustainable projects with which we want to provide our current projects with their own means of subsistence.

That's why we want to build 3 fishponds

Currently we lay the last hand on building the fish ponds.

Curious about how the project progresses? Click on the link:



Kenyan meal - Sunday 23 September 2018

Benefit concert 2018

Peaceful wishes for 2018

November: KCPE results

In November we received the results of the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE). The Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) is a certificate awarded to students after completing the approved eight-year course in primary education in Kenyans. The examination is supervised by the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC), an examining body in Kenya under the Ministry of Education.

The 18 children of Save Children of Hope who are in class 8 (in Kenya an 8-4-4 system is used) participated in this exam:

  • One student achieved more than 350 out of 500. According to the internal regulations of S.C.o.H., we will support him in his further secondary education through a boarding school.
  • Eleven students gained between 250 and 350. They will be further supported by S.C.o.H. in a 'day' secondary school.
  • Six pupils achieved less than 250 out of 500. These students will also be supported by Save Children of Hope through a two-year vocational training (polytechnic).

These 18 children will join in 2018 with the 44 children who are already be supported by Save Children of Hope in their secondary education.

We expect the results of the Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) at the end of December/beginning of January..